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The Productiviy of Wellbeing and Digitisation

Published: March, 2021

When small businesses value and promote employee wellbeing, employees are happier, healthier, more fulfilled, and more productively engaged in their work. Micado values employee wellbeing because we know that when employees bring their best self to work they are more effective and fulfilled in their roles, drastically increasing their value to their company. 



On Friday, March 26th, the Micado team had the honour to join Rt. Honourable Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and Xero Managing Director - NZ & Pacific Islands Craig Hudson, to discuss the important role small business play in New Zealand to drive digitisation in a post COVID world, where the ways of working have significantly changed. This change has a direct impact on how businesses organise their workforce and their employee's wellbeing. At the first glance, working from home has a great convenience and novelty factor to it but it is also accompanied by unwanted side effects, like social isolation which can lead to depressions and other health issues. Mrs Ardern encouraged in her speech small businesses to take wellbeing of employees serious as the benefits are wide ranging. From happy and healthy employees to significantly improved productivity and profitability in less than a year, as highlighted in the new research from the NZ Institute of Economic Research (NZIER)



A big thank you from Micado to Jacinda Ardern and Xero for facilitating this important discussion! 

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